30 Hour Remedial course
Effective July 1, 2008 the following changes have been made by the Dept. of State regarding qualifications for real estate licenses: Qualifying Courses Salesperson: Courses have increased from 45 hours to 75 hours. A salesperson applicant will be required to show proof of completing 75 hours of approved education. Those salesperson applicants who completed the 45 hour salesperson course prior to July 1, 2008 may complete the additional 30 hour qualifying course to satisfy the 75 hour requirement.
Broker: A broker applicant will be required to show proof of completing 120 hours of approved education. Broker applicants will be required to show proof of completing the 45 hour salesperson course, the 30 hour remedial course and the 45 hour broker course OR the 75 salesperson course and the 45 hour broker course.
You are welcome to contact us at anytime during business hours.
Total price for the course: $175.00 ( Book is not included )
Call to reserve your seat at: 718-745-4000